Cradle and Swing 2PARENTS
Handcrafted in Czech Republic
Made of 100% bio cotton and real oak wood.

Baby Cradle & Swing 2PARENTS
Designed by two parents
Made of 100% bio cotton and real oak wood

Natural Baby Cradle and Swing 2Parents
Multifunctional cradle
Practical anti reflux cradle
Natural materials and simple design
A healthy and fun swing
A child can play in the cradle and swing himself (naturally under the supervision of an adult). This naturally strengthens deep internal muscles and promotes healthy physical development

Practical anti reflux cradle

Natural materials and simple design

A healthy and fun swing
The Story of The Cradle and Swing
When my son Stephen was a baby, he suffered from bloating, a so-called reflux disease, and he had a bit of a backbone problem, so we had to go to rehab and train Vojta´s Method. From the experience of other mothers, I knew that they struggled with one or the other problem and that it was not unusual. So, when I was expecting a second child, Sophie, in 2015, I wanted to be ready for it. I dreamed of a nice functional cradle made of natural materials that would not contain harmful substances. And since I did not find anything to address, I sat down on a children's table full of crayons and papers and began to draw. My son was a great critic, mentor and inspiration for me. From an extensive search on the Internet, I found out that a carpenter Antonin Hanus from Liberec, produces cradles from certified natural materials, so I have addressed him with my suggestion. That's how our cooperation started. Sofia's cradle carries the name Cradle and Swing 2Parents just because it is made by two parents, me and carpenter Antonin Hanus, who is the father of two little girls, Eliska and Amalka.
Katerina Karlickova


Cradle with wooden superstructure
It helps to increase the safety of moving babies and children while sleeping and playing. Thanks to the wooden superstructure, the cradle becomes essentially a so-called child´s fence.

Cradle with changing table
If you have little space at home, you can buy a changing table where you can beautifully wrap your baby. It consists of a nest and a waterproof, easy-to-wash changing pad made of leather.

Newborn cradle with castors
If you want to have a baby in one room overnight and during the day in another, designer castors make it easy to handle the cradle.